Home & Garden

The Best Robot Vacuums for 2021

If vacuuming is among your least favorite chores, you've probably thought about acquiring a robotic vacuum. A robot vacuum not only saves you time but also does an impeccable cleaning job. The best robot vacuums can do all the tedious cleaning tasks as you watch your favorite movie or carry on with your other works uninterrupted. The latest Robo Vacs work great on a variety of flooring including carpet as well as hardwood floors and even tile or concrete.

If you are in the market for a robot vacuum to aid your cleaning tasks, there are a myriad of options out there that can suit your needs. To get you started, we've compiled some top robot vacuums that are worth checking out. Read on:

iRobot Roomba s9+

The iRobot s9+ is a sleek and modern robot vacuum equipped with the most advanced features. The s9+ has a sophisticated design and groundbreaking technology, making it a powerful and intelligent gadget that brings out the best in your home. It can automatically dispose of the dirt and empty its dustbin into the base, saving you some maintenance costs.

You can control the Roomba s9+ via your smartphone, and as it cleans, it creates a map of all the rooms in your house. This way, you can direct it to where you want it to clean by voice command or through the app. It can also suggest personalized schedules on when and where to clean. It works perfectly on hard floors and picks up 99% of small nuts, sand, uncooked oatmeal, mold, and pollen. When the robot vacuum detects any of the substances on your floor or carpet, it deep cleans by automatically pumping up the suction. Therefore, if any of your loved ones are allergic to such elements, the s9+ will be of great help.

As it cleans, it creates a map of all the rooms in your house.

For pet lovers, the s9+ has double rubber roller brushes to avoid clogs from pet hair. After cleaning, the robot vacuum returns to its charging base, and then it automatically transfers the dirt into the bag-lined dustbin. In case of a low battery in the middle of a cleaning job, it recharges itself quickly and goes back to where it left.

Roborock S6 MaxV

There are endless reasons for loving your dog as a pet owner, but no one wants to deal with accidents or hair on the carpet. Luckily, you can effortlessly deal with both cases using the Roborock S6 MaxV.

Even when initiating the Roborock S6 MaxV control, it asks whether you have pets. If you have pets, it triggers the dual cameras to ensure it makes the difference between small objects on the floor. By enabling the carpet mode, the gadget can easily pick up embedded dirt and fluff by adjusting the suction when it recognizes these elements. When cleaning the floors, the robot vacuum starts on the edges then works its way across the entire area. It gets rid of all the dirt in the hard-to-reach places thanks to its low profile of about three inches coupled with the side brushes that penetrate the hidden corners. While at it, the S6 MaxV maps the areas via the app. It has a capacity that can accommodate up to four maps in a multi-level house, and you can also set the no-go places you want it to avoid.

You select the zones, water flows, cleaning schedules, and more via the app. You can also alter the modes, voice, volume of the robot vacuum and start cleanups with Siri, Google Home, or Alexa.

Samsung Powerbot R7070

If you are searching for robot vacuums that can perfectly clean your carpet while also taking care of the floors, the Samsung R7070 meets your expectation. It does a perfect job in picking up fluff and dirt from carpets and leaves your floor sparkling thanks to the excellent suction that deliver 40 times more power.

The robot vacuum has a wide brush roller that takes care of large areas in a single pass. Additionally, it has automatic detection technology that enables it to detect different surface types to adjust its suction for the best outcome. In case it needs charging while on the job, the robot will recharge and still resume cleaning where it left off. The R7070 has full view sensors and onboard cameras that create an ideal cleaning path and also aids in avoiding obstacles. It's also equipped with an Edge Clean master Feature to make it more efficient. When the sensors detect an edge or a corner, a rubber blade extends to pull up debris and dust from the hard-to-reach places.

You can seamlessly control the robot vacuum through voice-enabled devices and monitor the cleaning progress via the map. It also allows you to schedule cleaning time at your convenience. Further, it's easy to maintain since the rubber roller can automatically detangle, and you can wash the filter.

Eufy Robovac 15C Max

For homeowners looking for a cost-effective robot vacuum with high-end features, the Eufy Robovac 15C is a must-buy. Like other similar gadgets, you can control it via a smartphone or through the Google Assistant, Amazon Alexa, or the EufyHome app and still accomplish your cleaning needs.

The Robovac 15C max is also relatively quiet while running – more than most other vacuums in the market. It has a slim and sleek design that enables it to slip beneath your low couches and ottomans easily. This way, it leaves the entire floor space perfectly clean, including the most difficult-to-reach areas. It also comes with a BoostIQ technology that enables the robot vacuum to increase the suction when extra vacuuming is required. As a result, you get the best results despite the elements present on your floors and carpets. It also has a remote control meant to clean the edges in your house.

Key Takeaway

If you always desire to have a consistently clean floor, all you need is one of the above robot vacuums. You no longer need to go through the complicated cleaning schedule or chore wheel that leaves you feeling exhausted. You can visit ProductIQ for more deals and also check our selection here.

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